Catalyst Fund XI

We have two proposals in for Catalyst Fund 11 that will help us expand our services, with a goal of offering our services for free to projects willing to test these features for us.

There are several features we plan on adding to NFTPass to increase our service offering with the goal to take on big industries with NFT Tickets and onboard millions of people to Cardano.

You can find all of our proposals on ideascale here: 

NFTPass: NFT Ticket Management Suite

A complete blockchain event management solution including an event dashboard and real-time metrics.

We’re going to continue building onto our existing mobile verification app to create an all-encompassing event management solution. The goal of this is to make the process of adoption/implementation of web3 technology, specifically NFTs on Cardano, as easy as possible for projects, event organizers, businesses, etc.

This will come in the form of an event management dashboard available on the currently released NFTPass app on iOS and Android. Services we will be providing to businesses are: a minting service with updatable NFTs, a suite of tools designed to empower events track more metrics, and gamify events via live competitions, raffles, giveaways, etc.

NFT Mobile Wallet App For Ticketing & Onboarding

We are in the process of developing a comprehensive mobile application designed to function as a streamlined lite wallet, dedicated to showcasing Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). For our specific use-case, it is tailored to NFT tickets but is also readily usable for NFT product. The demo version can be downloaded here (Android only).

This comprehensive mobile solution is poised to serve as an indispensable resource for the Cardano community, enabling seamless integration and utilization of NFT tickets for a myriad of events, including but not limited to RareEvo, NFTxLV, the Cardano Summit, and various in-person gatherings.